Consortium CENTRALSYNC invites you to the Winter School of Synchrotron Radiation 2011. The CENTRALSYNC acts as an Associate Member of the ESRF in Grenoble since August 2008. The consortium of Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia has a financial share of 1.05% of the ESRF budget. The School will concentrate on tutorial lectures devoted to basic concepts of synchrotron radiation and its use in variety of research areas. It will provide information on possible research topics, experimental techniques, application for beamtime and practical arrangement of experiments. Lectures will be given by experts from synchrotron facilities and other institutions on the respective fields of science. Working language of the school is English. The school is intended for young research fellows, PhD and MSc students as well as for senior researchers who are interested in acquiring new ideas about unique experiments. One day of the school will be devoted to XFEL (X-ray Free Electron Laser) principles and applications and in particular to The European XFEL project in Hamburg. |